So every once in a while I will get a bright idea. It's not that I don't think not bright (I like to think I am rather intelligent) but more so than on occasion a particularly bright lightbulb pops on. A spark that speaks to my creativity and imagination. Are you wondering what this bright idea was? Don't worry, I will tell you.
Daddy and I are always working on our music. Thinking of ways to get out there. How to get known. To get any recognition in the music biz you need a following. We have a few plans out there. Ideas that at one time were revolutionary but now a days spin out teeny bopper music sensations-yes I am talking about the youtube music video. I'm not knocking it, don't get me wrong. We definitely plan on getting some youtube videos going (whatever video we get at our upcoming set will be going on both youtube and my personal Facebook page). Other ideas are obviously a web site and of course just getting out there playing. We are also currently working on a promotional packet that we fully intend to send to the submission departments of the major Christian recording labels.
Sorry, I've become side tracked. Those are some ideas from the past but back to the one from today. I have recently become enthralled with Etsy. You can find EVERYTHING on there. I discovered that EVERYTHING also includes music. People sell their CD's, downloads, etc. on Etsy. So really it wasn't MY idea but you get the drift. So in addition to all of our projects we have going on we will be opening up an Etsy shop where we can sell our music. This works awesome for us not only for exposure and getting our name out there but also because it allows us to not have to narrow down one genre. While we play great music together we are equally talented as solo artists and although we primarily work together in a Christian music sense we have other musical pursuits. Having an Etsy shop will let us sell a wide variety of music including Christian, Children's, Classical Piano, Original Composition etc. If we can record it, we can sell it.
With all that in mind stay tuned for youtube links for any videos we post, a link for our duo's web site and of course information about our Etsy shop.
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