Mamma Reviews...

Mamma a fun place where I will be reviewing everything from books and movies to baby gear and everything in between. If this Happy Family uses it I hope to tell you about it.

Check out my mini thoughts on the book i love dirt in Year Long Nature Project. We will be exploring activities from this book all year!!

New review for everyone!!! This time I have given my thoughts on the Kids Tea Pack from Teaopia. You won't find it here though (although that is a good read too). Instead this is a guest review for my friend Erin. Please check it out.

For a more up to date account of the diaper stash please check out De-stash to Re-stash.

I suppose seeing as how I somewhat reviewed the Hotel Fort Garry Brunch I could put that here as my 2nd review. To check out the scrumptiousness from that post see Brunch at Hotel Fort Garry. Keep in mind too that while my food tastes run a little closer to main stream even a foodie will be treated at this brunch. Fancy terrines, salads, mains etc. are all par for the brunch course there.

Please check out Fluffy Mail Comin' Up for my first review. I graded all of my stash so far. It's a fairly general review but it's a good start. I already have some individual reviews in the works to be posted in the future.