In my last blog post I mentioned a site called pinterest. Well, let me tell you a little bit more.
I absolutely love this site. The ideas and the creativity and inspiration just jumps off the screen and grabs my core. It says pin me, copy me, craft me, believe me.
What exactly is pinterest? It is basically a collection of online bulletin boards where you can "pin" pretty much any picture from any site. Not long prior to being introduced to this wonderful gem I had actually gotten into creating a vision board (a poster where you put pictures of the things you's a "The Secret" kind of thing). This site couldn't have come along at a better time for me. I now don't have to print and cut and paste. I'm not limited to only things I can print. I can add, delete and change boards and pins as I see fit.
It's much more than a vision board too. I have boards for but limited to the following: My diaper stash, family trips, Christmas, ideas for the kids, household tips, health and wellness. I could go on and on. I pin things I have, things I want, things that inspire me.
I find though that I don't just randomly pin. Everything I pin, I pin for reason. It's a recipe I want to try, an art project with the kids to delve into, a verse that inspires me to be a better person. I pin with purpose. I pin what is important to me. I pin what resonates a chord in me.
So far I am getting quite the collection of pins. I have shuffled things around. Merged boards, split boards and deleted boards.
It's also a great way to organize myself. For example, I've been buying a crap load of teas and wish to keep them straight so I pinned them all. Take into account too all the amazing pins of organization ideas.
All the other topics alone this site as been an invaluable resource for me as a home school parent. I have found so many wonderful teaching tools and activities to do with the boys.
Most of the photos so far it seems come from blogs. Pictures that people have posted when talking about what they have been up to. There are some seriously creative people out there and I hope a lot of it rubs off on me. I have even discovered some fun and new blogs to read from following pins back to their source.
If you would like an invite to this fantastic sight please comment with your email. Don't worry there will be no spam type emails. I don't know how many invites I can send but I will send as many as I can. I think everyone would benefit from this great site.
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