Monday, 24 September 2012

Peak 313 Challenge Check in #2

Today is check in #2 for the Peak 313 LivingActive challenge. I exercised 5/7 days last week with a mix of cardio and weights. So far I am feeling stronger both physically and spiritually. I really enjoy the "Soul Food" that goes along with each week. Last week's verse was,

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.
 Each day has enough trouble of its own"
Matthew 6:34

How true is that!??!?! So each day I focused on the exercise/workout/jog at hand. I didn't worry about what I couldn't do the day before. I didn't worry about how I would fit in fitness the next day. I even took the verse to heart for every moment. If I had to drop weights in Rep 1 I didn't worry about it and when Rep 2 came up I gave it even more. I have been learning lately to really let go of worry and to put myself into God's hands more. Amazing things happen when I am in God's hands.

As far as exercise went here is a quick breakdown:

Monday- Level One Extreme Shed & Shred

Tuesday - Level Two 30 Day Shred

Wednesday- 1/2 hour fast walk (pushing stroller)

Thursday- 1/2 hour interval jog (pushing stroller)

Friday- OFF

Saturday- Level Four Ripped in 30

Sunday- OFF

As you can see I took two OFF days this past week. Not so much intentionally but because I was literally OFF on both those days. My schedule and routine were whacked and I didn't get make the opportunities. This week I am really going to try to hit up six days again. Today feels like a jog kind of day, I may possibly round it out with some arms work. 

I have a new verse for this week too, it's a good one. It's about cravings (as I eat my square of chocolate). I look forward to sharing it with you next week. 


  1. You had a great week. Those workouts look pretty intense. I am really enjoying the challenge too. Hope you have a blessed week.

    1. Intense is exactly how I describe the workouts :) But I feel so amazing after doing them. I highly recommend them. I wish you lots of strength and blessings as you continue the challenge as well. Such a wonderful thing Peak 313 is doing for us fellow Christian women.

  2. LOVE the way you incorporated the verse with everything you did during exercise. A healthy way to live!! Balance!! Blessings!!
