Wednesday, 19 October 2011

A Review on Books

As someone who likes to read and someone who is more than obviously a mother one would assume that I have a lot of books. One would be assuming correctly. Books are like crack to me. I can't get enough and they blast away at my pocketbook. I love the smell of a fresh new book, the sound of the binding being cracked for the first time. I hoard my books, I rarely lend them out and I rarely borrow (lest you actually WANT your book back). I enjoy series' of books reading it all over again each time I add to it.

I love reading all kinds of books from fiction, autobiographies, thrillers and on and on. Sadly these are the one's I get the least opportunity to read. A few months ago my mommy group formed a book club and I am loving it. It gives a reason to read for fun and actually engage in an adult discussion about something other than our kidlets (wine -or tequila in my case-may or may not be involved). We have been reading a rather eclectic mix of books which is making it all the more interesting. So far we have read Bitter is the New Black (mixed reviews but I liked it and would like to read more in the series) and The Slap (harsher and a bit crude but interesting subject matter). We are currently finishing up The Midwife's Confession (to be discussed soon) and next on the docket is The Help (which I have heard great things about).

I also have a substantially growing collection of pregnancy, baby and parenting books (of course). They cover everything from the hot topics of the care, sleep and feeding babies to even hotter topics such as parenting philosophies, discipline and family relationships. You must read books like this with a whole shaker of salt beside you. In every book it is almost inevitable that parts will have you either nodding in agreement, crying in commiseration, rolling your eyes in annoyance or throwing it out the window in contempt (sometimes it's all of these). While I parent a lot through intuition I would be lying if I didn't say a book has given me some great ideas or coping mechanisms.

Just a snippet of my "Mom" library

Self help books are also high on my must read list. Books that help me grow as a woman, as a wife, as a mother and in my faith have a valuable place on my shelves. I enjoy books that help me "see the light" and give me an alternative way of thinking. With lots on my plate I need books that give me direction and grounding. I especially love the ones that reaffirm I am on my own path and paving it well. Bible and faith studies also rank highly for me. I currently have one in the works and another on the way. Which is my fav though? It's all about The Secret my friend.

With this immense love for books and reading that I have I also have an incredible desire to install this same feeling about the written word in my children. At their young ages they are already showing a great interest in reading and spelling and learning in general. They have a library of books of their own. Books that teach, books that are fun and books that are interactive and make them think. I was elated the day their new editions of the classic Dick and Jane books showed up. I want them to be able to read and escape into a whole new world like I can. I want them to lose hours in a book they simply can't put down. I want them to know the classics from Grimm to Shakespeare (I think we will leave Chaucer for a bit though). I get giddy inside when I think of buying the entire Little House collection for my girl. I shamefully admit I don't know a good series to get the boys into but I will find one, oh yes I will.

Big Brother "Reading" to Little Sister = Very Happy Mamma

With all these books, read (and unread), I feel I should somehow pass something along since I'm not willing to ever relinquish ownership of an actual book. I plan to review books that we read whether they are children's books, fiction for fun or different parenting books. If it is something someone in this happy family reads then I would love to tell others about it. Was it worth the money? Was it a good read? What can I take away from it? Those kinds of things. I say plan too, well, because plans often go astray (you know, the whole Mice and Men thing). I haven't quite decided on what format I will do it yet but I'm thinking a tandem between a page of it's own and a blog post. 

Seeing as how I am anxiously awaiting an amazon order as well as have a list for a friend's upcoming Usborne Books party I am sure that my first review will be on some fun new reading material. Yes, I am a geek...someday I'll have to do a post on my Ode to School Supplies. 

Books. Yes. Books make me happy!!

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