Friday, 21 October 2011

SPOOOOKY Times Ahead

A trip into the Dollarama for cheap bristol board ended up with me walking out with this...

That is the contents (mostly) of two bags of Halloween decorations (and sadly they were sold out of the white bristol board I initially went in for). The remaining contents are a few things I will be using to make a little gift for each of the kids for when they get up on the 31st. I feel like we need to go that extra mile to make it special. Especially because they aren't bombarded with the hubbub of it like they would at school.

The prospect of putting up Halloween decorations has me rather excited. See, every year for as long as I can remember I have wanted to put up Halloween decorations. I like decorations, I like fun stuff, how could putting up Halloween decorations not be fun? For some reason though every year it never happens. Sometimes they are sold out of the stuff I would like, sometimes I just couldn't budget something like that in, sometimes life would just get ahead of me and before I knew it, all hallow's eve was upon us. This year though Mama is ahead for once.

I'm not going overly crazy or anything but I did happen to get enough that the boys are already going gaga.  For now it is all put away (they couldn't help but rifle through it and I couldn't help but let them, for a moment least). We have some of the classics. The door hangers, window decals, candy buckets and my personal favourite, the messy ball of "cobwebs" complete with little black plastic spiders. I'm also kookoo for the little spooky themed moonlights to guide little trick or treaters up our little path.

Another part of Halloween I am VERY EXCITED about (sorry, I'm yelling, but I can't help it), is our costumes. You already know I'm a geek so it should be no surprise that we are doing a family theme. Last year it was Star Wars and this year, at Viktor's request, we are Super Mario characters. The boys are Mario (V) and Luigi (M) and Daddy is Bowzer. Evelyn and I going as baby Peach and Princess Peach. We still need to pick up just a few items at the thrift store to complete our costumes and I will be making Bowzer's shell out of paper mache and a laundry basket this week.

I would also love to have a little party when we get home. Nothing crazy, just a little party for our family of 5. Maybe some Halloween popcorn, some Halloween cupcakes, drinks out of Halloween cups. Is that too much Halloween? I don't think so, it only comes once a year after all. Gotta start doing it up right. After our little monsters are asleep in their beds hopefully Daddy and I can finally catch up on a few True Blood episodes.

Until then though we will be doing some Halloween-y things like crafts, singing songs, "scary" stores...
Have a spooktacular weekend!!

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